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Life Ready Programs

Life Ready Facilitated Care Supports some of the most vulnerable children and youth in Metro Vancouver by being a trusted partner of the Metis Nation BC, Fraser Valley Aboriginal Children and Family Service Society, and the Ministry of Children and Families. Our services include an Outreach / Respite program and a Residential Care Home Program.

Life Ready Facilitated Care

Residential Care Program 

Life Ready Facilitated Care Residential Care Homes offer support to some of the most vulnerable youth in Metro Vancouver. Our goal is to develop person-centred, trauma-informed long-term relationships that offer stability through a consistent living situation. To develop these relationships Life Ready utilizes the Developmental Relationships Framework.


"Developmental relationships are the roots of thriving and resilience for young people, regardless of their background or circumstances" (Search-Institute, 2020).  These relationships help young people discover who they are, cultivate abilities to shape their own lives, and learn how to engage with and contribute to the world around them.


Many of the young people at Life Ready have not had the opportunity to foster developmental relationships due to bias, prejudice, their races, ethnicity, income, gender, sexual orientation, abilities, or other differences. Life Ready ensures that every youth who is in our care has the chance to experience the impact developmental relationships have on their growth and ability to meet the challenges of the 21st century.


Through this developmental relationships framework, our staff can support our youth's journey to become life ready. 


Life Ready Outreach 


Life Ready established outreach services in support of children, youth, and families. Our core purpose is to improve the lives of the individuals that come into our care, often from very unstable backgrounds. Through our Residential Respite Support Services, we aim to give short-term relief to primary caregivers by providing multi-day residential care and mentorship support. We recognize the importance of this program to preserve relationships between children, youth, and their caregivers. This includes both physical and emotional time and space. These elements are critical for everyone to build up energy to respond positively and gain perspective on challenges that impact their lives and relationships.


We work in collaboration with all stakeholders to customize our level of support for each child. For our Residential Respite Support Services this can include the number of days, type of engagement and learning activities the child participates in. We actively review youth's health, education, family environment, community involvement, and employment status. Our initial goal is to develop trust through safety in our relationships and residential settings. Our focus is on engaging children and youth through a whole person perspective in the context of both family and community.  


We believe every individual , regardless of their sexual orientation, gender, race, religion, or disability should have the opportunity to be their authentic self and should be treated with empathy and unconditional positive regard. Our team works from a trauma-informed lens. They recognize and have a deep understanding of complex and multidimensional effects of trauma on one's physical, mental, and social development. 


The goal is to work collaboratively with children and youth to support the unique needs and goals of each individual as they foster their own innate strengths and resiliency, enrich their sense of self, and nurse their ability to establish and maintain healthy relationships. 

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